Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Have you ever wondered why it feels so good to stretch out on your own bed after a long day of work? Probably not, because you have been to busy oohing and aawweeiing to think about it. Well, I did one day and I could not go to sleep. Because once I thought about that I went on to think about how I go to sleep. How do I command myself to go to sleep? How do I know that a whole night went by and not two seconds? What did I do while I was unconcious (scary thought)? Why do I not know when I fall asleep? How does it just happen? So on and so forth. The more I thought about the more I became awake and could not fall asleep for a couple of hours. So, just to see what would happen, I thought about it again. And guess what...You got it! I could not go to sleep. So my conclusion from these experiments (as Mrs. Tingle would say) is that, when you are trying to go to sleep, do not think about sleeping, just do it. Although you probably knew all this, I just wanted to bring to your attention. *yawn* good...night...don't think about sleeping...don't think about sleeping...Darn It! I woke up.


Blogger Andrew said...

Look in your biology book, I'm sure it tells all about the secretion of seretonin and the regular sleep cycle. Its quite fascinating, really.

5:28 PM  

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