Thursday, February 09, 2006


Well, I'm sick again. This time, it was pretty bad with fever and hallucinations (guess where I thought I hall. Go figure), so I went to the ER last night and spent the night there where they pumped me full of fluids and took blood tests and performed a lumbar puncture. Let me tell you, that was fun...not. I just kind of laid there all night and drifted in and out of consciousness while they poked and prodded me. The nurse was really nice though, and none of his shots hurt, while I thought that the lady doing the second round of lab tests was driving a sword through my arm. But, at least I don't remember much of last night, and the fluids they gave me really helped, so I'm missing Jazz Band and One Act Play again for a secondary flu infection (thank goodness it isn't meningitis, that's what they were scared of), but next week I should be immune to everything in Celina and I won't miss anything anymore. So, I'll take my leave and go lay down for a little while and hopefully be ready for school next week.


Blogger Catherine said...

chris we miss you and justin has begun cheating on you with cain, deanna, and angel you must come back before it gets worse

9:50 PM  
Blogger Angel said...

I'm just glad to know u r still alive and even though justin is trying to cheat on you with me I am ignoring him!

4:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

NOT WITH ME! he called me fat... aww baby chirs! we miss you! justin gets less gorgeous everyday you're gone. =) COME BACK SOON!!!!!!!

9:10 AM  
Blogger Nanashi Lunam Tenshi said...

Geez's alright, I forgive you because we all miss you. I hope you will feel better soon. When I first heard that you went to the ER I thought you had broken your wrist again. You need to feel better right now, you're in my prayers.

12:40 PM  

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