Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Another Day, Another Dollar

Well, in my case, probably a dime...Anyway, I'm offically fifteen now. I feel exactly like I did yesterday. Of course, I'm at my dad's and everything seems to be a little out of touch with reality here. I talked back to Celina today and found out that I'm on my way to a permit! Yay permits! Watch out populace, Chris is on the road! Anyway, we didn't do a whole lot today, just took it easy. I had cake of course, and we ate at Salt Grass, which was also pretty good.

Oh, I almost forgot! I know that most of you will probably not care about this next part, so I'll color it a different color and you can skip over it if you like. For Christmas, my mom gave my dad (here in Rockwall) the deluxe special edition 2-disc Phantom of the Opera movie soundtrack (ask Brian, he knows what I'm talking about). So anyway, I started drooling all over it when I saw it on the couch two days ago and I borrowed it. My dad still doesn't know I have it, so I'm uploading it onto the computer so he'll never know I had it. But it's so freaking awesome!! I can't wait 'till we go and see it live!!

Anyway, I think I'm going to go to bed now. Good night!


Blogger Brian said...

Okay, you must tell me something about this soundtrack. Does it have pause between the tracks? For example, on disc 2 at toward the end, between "Point of No Return" and "Down Once More", is there a pause, or do they run together while still on separate tracks. All I have to go by is the CD that Leah burned for me, which she said was just like the original, but I refuse to believe that Webber would have allowed somebody that stupid produce the soundtrack.
I do, however, know that that particular soundtrack has way not enough tracks on it. All the music from the movie's there, but they combined some songs on the same tracks. I don't remember which ones because I canned that CD a long time ago after I fixed it all and burned myself a new one.
Oh, and one more thing: if you've got that stuff on your computer and you want to burn it, make sure that you take out any pause between tracks. If you can't do that, I wouldn't bother burning it.

10:52 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Oh, and happy birthday!

10:52 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

I don't think there are any pauses. It must have been the way her computer burned it.

11:16 AM  
Blogger Brian said...

Yeah, I didn't think they'd allow that type of crap to be sold in stores, especially not for $30 or whatever it costs. Anyway, it still does have not enough tracks. It's fine, but some songs are combined that probably shouldn't be.

2:22 PM  

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