Sunday, December 04, 2005


Celina Independent Schoo` District is committed ta ho-slappin' young thugz ta be a responsible n contribut'n memba of society at tha present n in tha future. We would like ta ask our students ta cooperate wit tha staff, parents, n community memba ta ensure tizzle they wizzill reach they academic n social potential. In return, we will furnish them wit a safe, bustin' n orderly environment. Through a variety of curricizzles n extracurrizzle experiences they wizzle learn and my money on my mind:

  • Self-confidizzle disciplizzle n motivizzle
  • Think'n n problem solv'n skills
  • Respect n knowledge fo` our country n system of government
  • Productive fiscal managizzle
  • Respect fo` otha n they property
  • Respect n awareness of our environment

Celina ISD is "An Equal Opportunity Employer" n complies wit tha Title IX n Title II. It is tha policy of Celina ISD not ta discriminate on tha basis of sizzay handicap, race, or national origin in its educizzles n vocatizzle programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504 n Title VI cuz I'm fresh out the pen. Celina ISD wizzay takes steps ta assure tizzle tha lack of English language skills W-to-tha-izzill not be a barria ta admission n participizzles in all education n vocatizzle programs.

Hizzle of The Bobcats
TASB Policy Manual
Ordinance fo` adopt'n a tax rate (2005-2006)

Translitation thanks to


Blogger Unknown said...

u could get killed for this

6:58 PM  
Blogger Catherine said...

chris what have you been eating!

your scaring me...badly!

8:29 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

Red bull and gatorade?

8:42 PM  

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