Monday, April 17, 2006

Alienation and Humility

I also wish people wouldn't bash other people (especially if their in our band). I will do my best to keep certain peoples unnamed.

We need to do our best to encourage as much as we can. Many make mistakes, and many you just want to squeeze their brains out. But, most of the time, you don't know their story. One of our band members was ridiculed and humiliated so much the other day, I wish that I could have been there, because I would not have been able to tolerate what was happening to said person. I swear (from now on said people will be referred to as "person") that "person" was about to cry. How can someone be so insensitive to people? It doesn't make any sense.

Next, us as a band need to watch out for each other. Certain "person"
(different one this time) is not seen as one most of us would want to hang out with. But, when you get around person and finally get to truly understand person, you can see that person can actually be quite fun to be around. The sad thing is that person does not feel wanted by the band at all and I barely convinced person to stay in band this year. I hope I can convince person to stay in band next year. Also, I found out to one of my underlying fears, person has resorted to cutting oneself now. What's really sad is that when person was talking to me about it today, person was laughing! Laughing!! How can one feel so dejected that one would openly talk about hurting oneself and laugh about it. Person only wants to feel accepted in the band. Who knows what would happen to person if person quit band.

These people will continue to remain unnamed for their sake and everybody elses. God knows only how much these people need more rumors going around about them. My message to you is this fellow band members, be nice to one another, encourage one another, help each other even if you can't stand to be around them; because who knows when one day they'll be gone, and you will never get them back...ever.


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