I Got A Ringer!
The camp-out was fun, even though I didn't stay overnight, but it's fine. I performed "surgery" and we went Lord of the Flies/ultimate band nerd. I came home with a splinter of my own and a bruised foot, but it's fine...I got a ringer!
The next day was the Texas Federation of Music Clubs State Festival. In other wo
rds, my state piano competition. I performed "Mirage" by Gillock, a twenty-seven (yes, twenty-seven) measure piece based on the whole tone scale. It's quite nice really. I came home with an "outstanding", or all-state runner up, so, I'm happy. I may not have gotten all-state like last year, but runner-up is still pretty amazing...especially for a twenty-seven measure piece. Then my parents and I went grocery/convenience shopping
. I convinced them to stop by Half Price Books and I bought The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton since I had to turn the library's copy back in. It's a really good book by the way (at least, so far it is). Then I "hit the sack" when I got home.
Today I went to church and then we came home and we worked in the vineyard for awhile. Then some friends came over and we had dinner. After they left, I did my geometry homework and now I'm posting this. So, all in all it was a full and memorable weekend for me. Now I'm going to go get some long overdue sleep.
The next day was the Texas Federation of Music Clubs State Festival. In other wo

Today I went to church and then we came home and we worked in the vineyard for awhile. Then some friends came over and we had dinner. After they left, I did my geometry homework and now I'm posting this. So, all in all it was a full and memorable weekend for me. Now I'm going to go get some long overdue sleep.
The Andromeda Strain is wonderful. So is Jurassic Park. But Sphere is by far, in my opinion, his best book. I wasn't too impressed with the movie, but the book is simply amazing. The ending is perfect and perfectly written. It's just amazing. I'll bring it on Sunday if you want. I'm not quite sure how I'd get it back when you're done, but we'll think of something if you want to read it. Or you could get your own copy.
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