Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Monkey's Thoughts

Jess stood in the elevator as it rose up, and up, and up, and up. Finally, the doors opened and she stepped out onto the platform. Wow, she thought as she surveyed the city of Paris underneath her feet. At the top of the Eiffel Tower, Jess felt like she was at the top of the world-until she looked up.

With a gasp, she staggered back and sat down, or, actually fell down, on the bench behind her. You see, an idea came to Jess that rarely hits people. This idea is so spectacular and “big-picture”, so to speak, that it was lucky it had decided to hit Jess instead of somebody else, because it just so happens that Jess is a monkey, and luckily she is just not intelligent enough to comprehend the enormous magnitude of the idea that hit her. If this idea had hit a human, the human probably would have not felt a thing, because most humans are less intelligent than monkeys. But, if it had hit one of those rare, intelligent humans, then the human probably would have unexpectedly hit the ground dead because of heart failure and brain overload.

Of course, Jess, being her normal, unintelligent, human-like self, quickly recovered and went back to her owner asking for some more of those delicious French peanuts that her owner had bought fifteen minutes ago; the idea that had just struck her completely forgotten. The forgotten idea that had just inexplicably slapped Jess across the face was this: man’s vanity. We worry about our hair, our clothes, what Jennifer thinks of us; but, in the end, does any of it really matter?

People do not like this idea because it makes them feel insignificant and small, and, as we all know, people hate being insignificant, so they buy themselves a nice, big television to make them feel better. But we all have to face it someday, and this is where religion comes in. I admit, I am a very religious person, and it does help. I do believe that there is a purpose for everything, but I do not believe in superficial ideas like looks and popularity. Life is too short for that. None of it matters, really, so, why bother about it?

I would like you to take a minute and ponder these “monkey’s thoughts”, because, as we all know, animals have the right idea. They just carry on their lives simply, not worrying about their looks or their hair. They just enjoy nature and He who created it. They just live life so that they can live it, and in the end, that’s what really matters.Of course, humans are naturally narcissistic and there is nothing we can really do about it. We are curious, yes, and there is nothing wrong with that. These ideas are not here to bash other’s ideas, but they are here to bring up an important question. What matters and what doesn’t matter? That, my friend, is for you to decide. The right answer to this is what you believe, not what others believe. But, then again, does it really matter?


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