Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I am so BORED

It's AMAZING!! I don't have much to do!! So, I will entertain you with a story...

Once upon a time, there was a land of fairies. These were no ordinary fairies though, these were cannibalistic fairies. That's right kiddies, the ate each other. Anyway, the king fairy did not appreciate his subject, Fangof, chewing on his toe, so he sentenced him to exile on the desolate plains of dinosaur land. After years of escaping the king T-Rex and not getting eaten, he finally found his way back to fairyland. But when he got back, all that was left was...THE KING T-REX!!!He had eaten all the fairies!!! So Fangof, being his idiotic idealistic self, decided he had enough of this reptile and fought him! Of course, he lost (nobody can beat the T-Rex) and nobody lived happily ever after because all the fairies were dead and the T-Rex ended up dieing of starvation.

The End

By the way, when I performed spell check on this, it kept trying to get me to change "Fangof" with "pawnshop." Don't ask me why.


Blogger Andrew said...

We must ask ourselves what the fairies' initial will to live was before we can make judgements as to the happiness of the ending

9:15 PM  
Blogger Chris said...

That's true, but nobody lived happily ever after because everybody died. But, in your case, I guess it could be a happy ending.

9:36 PM  

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