Monday, September 25, 2006

Haikus or Tankas anyone?


Glowing burning amber,
Warming all my body.
Slowly lull to sleep.


Whirring, clicking cogs
Cold, unforgiving machine
Always exploiting.
Dark, automatic, ruthless
Consuming all, these black hands.


On the lowest rung,
Nowhere to go but somewhere
The journey begins.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I hate the end of the 6 weeks...

I think I failed my ROR.

Why does nobody use blogger anymore? It's so sad.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


O yea! Who finished their twenty-nine page creative writing project and four page history report? That's right. I did!

Just the ROR and I'm good.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Another Weekend, Another Load of Homework

Wow, I'm exhausted, and it's only the fourth week of school. I've still got three projects left to do, plus hours of band and piano work. So what do I do? I procrastinate on the computer and post a post about all this stuff that needs to get done. Now I feel guilty. Well, those papers don't write themselves I suppose...but I think I'll sleep first. Yes, sleep sounds good. It sounds very good...

P.S. I felt better about last night's game, even though I screwed up horridly.