Wednesday, November 30, 2005


For those of you that like to think, I would suggest reading the Time Machine by H. G. Wells. I haven't gotten very far yet, but Wells has an interesting outlook on the fourth demension: time. He tells how we can manipulate it just like we manipulate other objects. Its quite interesting really.

It would also let me see the new "Lunch Makers smiley face" again. Now that's an interesting subject. See Andrew for details.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

The end of the break

Wow. I'm not ready for school to start again. I don't want to go to ATSSB auditions, I don't want to go to One Act Play auditions, I don't want to go to Biology, I just want to stay at home a sleep. But, I do want to do those things (except for maybe Biology), I'm just not ready for them. Oh well, it's too late to worry about it now. *yawn* Good night.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ok, back to my normal self.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Hope you get "stuffed!" (Ha ha! Get it? Ok, yea, it was stupid) Anyway, here are some other questions.

Randomly Annoying, Stupidly Pointless Questions

Which would you rather, find a four leaf clover or a needle in a hay stack?
Would you rather fly in a plane or sail on a ship?
Would you rather find buried treasure or win the lottery?
Which do you think came first, the chicken or the egg?
Which would you rather have one fish, two fish, a red fish, or a blue fish?
What would you touch with a ten-foot pole?
If yellow and blue make green, does lemon and blueberry make lime?
If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress?
If you choke a smurf, what color will it turn?
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do they all drown?
Is it true that cannibals won't eat clowns because they taste funny?
If a man is standing in a forest, and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
Why do they lock gas station bathrooms, are they afraid someone will clean them?
If a tin whistle is made out of tin, what is a fog horn made out of?
If psychics really know the winning lottery numbers, why are they still working?
Isn't it a little unnerving that doctors call what they do practice?
Why don't they make mouse flavored catnip?
Is there another word for synonym?
If a cow laughs, will milk come out it's nose?
If a football game was held in Flushing NY, would it be called the toilet bowl?
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Is an illegal a sick bird?
Is a tavern with a dirt floor called a sand bar?
What's up with door to door salespeople? I mean how do you sell a door to a door?
Did you know that in the year 900, 10,000 Normans invaded France. Can you imagine that many guys with the same name?
If you're scared half to death twice, do you die?
If you get mono twice, is it called stereo?
Why do we drive in parkways, and park in driveways?
Could a shaker assault be considered a religious attack?
Does steel wool come from mechanical sheep?
Do golfers play doctor on their days off?
Why don't meteorologists study meteors?
How long is a cat nap? Can it be measured in dog years?
Where is the self-help section?
Why don't men ride sidesaddle?
If Spamâ„¢ is spiced ham, what's Sponkey?
If a cat is thrown out a car window while driving, does it become "Kitty Litter"?
Why do we call things that are sent by ship "cargo", but things sent by car "shipments"?
Why doesn't Super Glue stick to the bottle?
If a CD is put on a CD Player upside-down, will it play backwards?
Why are rabbits feet considered lucky? The rabbit had four of them and it's still dead.
Why don't they make the whole airplane out of the stuff they use to build the little black box? It always survives.
Speaking of airplanes, why do they have floatation devices under the seats? Wouldn't parachutes make more sense?
Why do we call it a "Hot Water Heater"? Hot water doesn't need heated.
Why do we call them "Buildings"? They're already built.
Why do we call them "Apartments" when they are so close together?
If Vegetarians eat vegetables, what does that say about Humanitarians?
Why do they call them a "Pair" of underwear when you only wear one?
And for that matter, why do they call it a bra, when it's holding a pair?
In football, why do they call them "Running Backs", when they're always running forward?

Monday, November 21, 2005

Toys and Flies

First off, I would like to say that no names will be mentioned in this post, so there's nothing to worry about. This is not directed to any of the Celina band members or friends. This is directed to a small group of people. You know who you are. I hope you learn something.

Ok here I go.

It doesn't make any sense. You know, it doesn't hurt to be nice. It really isn't that hard. Maybe this world would be a little nicer if it weren't for you BONGHOLES who are out there just to make people's lives miserable. Maybe, you don't know, but it TEARS AWAY AT OUR INSIDES. WE ARE PEOPLE AND WE HAVE FEELINGS!! I'm SICK AND TIRED of you IDIOTS who think we are TOYS AND ARE HERE TO TORTURE. You must have been that kid who tore the wings off of flies for the fun of it. WE ARE NOT FLIES!! Don't you people have a conscience?? And one more thing, it affects more people than the person you intend to hurt. It affects their FAMILY!! Yes! Wow! New prospect huh?? And guess what? Family members ALSO HAVE FEELINGS! You know what? I'm sick and tired of taking your crap! If I was older, I would have done something a LONG time ago. But I am only 14. There is not much I can do. Except for one thing. I won't give in. You can tear away all you want, and you'll probably tear a bunch of flesh, but you won't touch the inside. No you won't. You caused pain. Satisfied? I hope you are because you're not getting any further. It stops here.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Lost in a world with too many turns,
Too many options,
Too many paths.

Lost in a world full of fog,
And ice.

Sliding and slipping
In a strange world
That nobody sees,
Except me.

Lost in this strange world.
Too many turns,
So many are wrong.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Of Promiscuity, Sentences, Mouthpieces, and Hungarian Dances

Ok, how many times can you possibly use the word "promiscuity" in a class (even if it's absitnance class). I swear, Mrs. Gilmore must have used it fifty times. I read the longest sentence in the world today, thanks to Catherine. It was horribly constructed, but still a sentence. I was going to get a new mouthpiece today, but my Brook Mays only sells Holtons. Grrr. But I did get my second piano competition piece today, Hungarian Dance No. 5. It's probably one of the coolest classical piece ever written (but certainly not as cool as Toccata). So, there's an update of my life. Hope you enjoyed the couple of minutes of diversion. If you would like further diversion (humor) then you can visit Brian's post on chinese speaking or Stephen's post on angry bob. They are quite funny.
I would also like to bring your attention and thoughts to Andrew and his mom.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The answer is yes.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Why do the teachers punish us for working our butts off and going to state? I'm sure all of you have this same workload but this is just INSANE:

Geometry: Cumulative review worksheet, triangles worksheet, and proof book work (2hrs.)
Spanish: "Ir" worksheet (5 minuts ((but SPANISH homwork?? Come ON!!)))
English: 15 vocab cards, Farenheit 451 notes on part II, and an outline/rough draft for a two page essay (1 1/2hrs.)
Biology: Analyzing data chart, diffusion review questions, and a 10 page packet on the WHOLE CHAPTER!!! (3HRS.!!)


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

San Antonio?

Well, we got back today and I am full of mixed feelings. I think Vini, Vidi, Vici is a little cockey for how we did...although, when you think about it, we did do AWESOME. We did not make finals because some judges are a little...okay maybe a lot...biased against small bands. But two judges did see what we were worth by ranking us 3rd. We are all a little mad about that. But, it's okay because the little band from hick town Celina went to San Antonio and kicked butt.

Saturday, November 05, 2005


It's time to pack. Because...


Thursday, November 03, 2005

Yay change (now that's a new phrase)

You know, I was thinking earlier today (I know, what a shock) and I realized something. My life is so much better now. Any freshmen who are reading this or anybody else who has known me for a while have probably seen a change in me.
Well, I think it's time to explain my change. Some of you think it's better, while some of you think it's worse. Well, I'm telling you now, I don't plan on going back to what I used to be.
When I came into band and high school, there was a different kind of feeling than junior high. Yea, junior high sucks. The band is so much like a family, it's like home. And even high school is different. Nobody cares how you look or what you are doing. Everybody just goes along their own way.
I used to be this kid who sat in his corner reading a book or doing homework and was the one to be laughed at. But not anymore. That's why I refuse to go back to my old self. I used to be depressed and stressed and it seemed like the only thing that mattered to me was getting through the day so I could get home and lock myself in my room to go do whatever.
But, not anymore. Coming into band and high school is like stepping into a new world and starting all over again. I can start out on the right foot. I'm more optimistic, and I just feel better all around.
So, those of you who liked my old self better, I'm sorry. Last, thank you band. You gave me what everybody needs...a second chance.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

I am so BORED

It's AMAZING!! I don't have much to do!! So, I will entertain you with a story...

Once upon a time, there was a land of fairies. These were no ordinary fairies though, these were cannibalistic fairies. That's right kiddies, the ate each other. Anyway, the king fairy did not appreciate his subject, Fangof, chewing on his toe, so he sentenced him to exile on the desolate plains of dinosaur land. After years of escaping the king T-Rex and not getting eaten, he finally found his way back to fairyland. But when he got back, all that was left was...THE KING T-REX!!!He had eaten all the fairies!!! So Fangof, being his idiotic idealistic self, decided he had enough of this reptile and fought him! Of course, he lost (nobody can beat the T-Rex) and nobody lived happily ever after because all the fairies were dead and the T-Rex ended up dieing of starvation.

The End

By the way, when I performed spell check on this, it kept trying to get me to change "Fangof" with "pawnshop." Don't ask me why.