It would also let me see the new "Lunch Makers smiley face" again. Now that's an interesting subject. See Andrew for details.
The story of a little sophomore, struggling up the social ladder, and trying to find his place in life...all while spending all of his time in band.
Randomly Annoying, Stupidly Pointless Questions
Which would you rather, find a four leaf clover or a needle in a hay stack?
Would you rather fly in a plane or sail on a ship?
Would you rather find buried treasure or win the lottery?
Which do you think came first, the chicken or the egg?
Which would you rather have one fish, two fish, a red fish, or a blue fish?
What would you touch with a ten-foot pole?
If yellow and blue make green, does lemon and blueberry make lime?
If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress?
If you choke a smurf, what color will it turn?
If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do they all drown?
Is it true that cannibals won't eat clowns because they taste funny?
If a man is standing in a forest, and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong?
Why do they lock gas station bathrooms, are they afraid someone will clean them?
If a tin whistle is made out of tin, what is a fog horn made out of?
If psychics really know the winning lottery numbers, why are they still working?
Isn't it a little unnerving that doctors call what they do practice?
Why don't they make mouse flavored catnip?
Is there another word for synonym?
If a cow laughs, will milk come out it's nose?
If a football game was held in Flushing NY, would it be called the toilet bowl?
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
Is an illegal a sick bird?
Is a tavern with a dirt floor called a sand bar?
What's up with door to door salespeople? I mean how do you sell a door to a door?
Did you know that in the year 900, 10,000 Normans invaded France. Can you imagine that many guys with the same name?
If you're scared half to death twice, do you die?
If you get mono twice, is it called stereo?
Why do we drive in parkways, and park in driveways?
Could a shaker assault be considered a religious attack?
Does steel wool come from mechanical sheep?
Do golfers play doctor on their days off?
Why don't meteorologists study meteors?
How long is a cat nap? Can it be measured in dog years?
Where is the self-help section?
Why don't men ride sidesaddle?
If Spamâ„¢ is spiced ham, what's Sponkey?
If a cat is thrown out a car window while driving, does it become "Kitty Litter"?
Why do we call things that are sent by ship "cargo", but things sent by car "shipments"?
Why doesn't Super Glue stick to the bottle?
If a CD is put on a CD Player upside-down, will it play backwards?
Why are rabbits feet considered lucky? The rabbit had four of them and it's still dead.
Why don't they make the whole airplane out of the stuff they use to build the little black box? It always survives.
Speaking of airplanes, why do they have floatation devices under the seats? Wouldn't parachutes make more sense?
Why do we call it a "Hot Water Heater"? Hot water doesn't need heated.
Why do we call them "Buildings"? They're already built.
Why do we call them "Apartments" when they are so close together?
If Vegetarians eat vegetables, what does that say about Humanitarians?
Why do they call them a "Pair" of underwear when you only wear one?
And for that matter, why do they call it a bra, when it's holding a pair?
In football, why do they call them "Running Backs", when they're always running forward?
By the way, when I performed spell check on this, it kept trying to get me to change "Fangof" with "pawnshop." Don't ask me why.