Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Another Day, Another Dollar

Well, in my case, probably a dime...Anyway, I'm offically fifteen now. I feel exactly like I did yesterday. Of course, I'm at my dad's and everything seems to be a little out of touch with reality here. I talked back to Celina today and found out that I'm on my way to a permit! Yay permits! Watch out populace, Chris is on the road! Anyway, we didn't do a whole lot today, just took it easy. I had cake of course, and we ate at Salt Grass, which was also pretty good.

Oh, I almost forgot! I know that most of you will probably not care about this next part, so I'll color it a different color and you can skip over it if you like. For Christmas, my mom gave my dad (here in Rockwall) the deluxe special edition 2-disc Phantom of the Opera movie soundtrack (ask Brian, he knows what I'm talking about). So anyway, I started drooling all over it when I saw it on the couch two days ago and I borrowed it. My dad still doesn't know I have it, so I'm uploading it onto the computer so he'll never know I had it. But it's so freaking awesome!! I can't wait 'till we go and see it live!!

Anyway, I think I'm going to go to bed now. Good night!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Ahh, The Joys of the Holidays

Well, we're halfway through and I don't know what to do right now. I'm tired of "going with the flow". I want to plan something for once. I don't even know what I'm doing for my birthday tomorrow! Any suggestions? Maybe I'll go work on act I...o wait, I've already done that, three times. How about Lord of the Flies, considering it has to be finished sometime next month. O well, hope you guys have a happy new year!

Besides "Passed Away"

Would sanitation make a good euphemism for death?
How about natural selection?
Any others?

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Ok, yea, the title is stupid I know, but considering the fact that I have to leave soon and I won't be on the blogging scene tomorrow, I had to come up with something. Anyway,


Yes, there is a reason why CHRIST is captalised. Just doing my duty to put Christ back into Christmas.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The One In Shining Armor

Here's a thoughtful poem written by yours truly.

What happened,
To the Knight?
The one in shining armor?
The chivalry, and the code that bound him?

What happened,
To that knight?
The one so courageous,
That he stood at the front of his men in battle?

What happened,
To that knight?
Who drove into the middle of the fray,
And even when his helmet flew off, he still fought?

What happened,
To that knight?
Whose men were bound to him,
And they fought with him, to the end?

What happened,
To that knight?
Who fought in the battles
That were already lost?

What happened,
To that knight?
Who slammed into the enemy,
With his men behind him, and when he died,
Many mourned the loss?

What happened,
To this Knight?
Pieces of him live on,
A little bit in all of us,
Less in some, more in others.

Is there one, though,
Who is fully this Knight,
Fighting the battle of this world,
Holding to his code of honor,In the face of death?

Monday, December 19, 2005


Well, it's done, and we went to state...twice.

I think it was a great run. Although I am just a freshman. I had a great time...not like anything else I've ever done, and had a great time doing it.

Here's some of my remembrences

1st day of Freshman Orientation
2nd day of FO
Band Camp
Band Nerdiness
1st Football Game
Patriotic Horn Names
Parties and Getting Ready for Area
Area Results
Getting Ready for State
School After State

So, I had a great time. Senior's I'm going to miss you. Everybody else, I can't wait untill next year!

For football fans, yes, the Celina Bobcats have won the state game!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

In case you were bored

Here's some sites to visit if you are bored.

For the humorous ones...

For the religious ones...

And for the passionate, artistic ones...

The cool thing is that they are all done by the same guy!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Did somebody say OAP?

I think somebody did. Today was the first rehearsal and there is not much to say about it. We found out that our version of "The Crucible" was way to long (after cuts), about an hour and a half actually. So, we're going to maim it some more and hope for the best. Anyway, I never got called in for the "incident" today, although Mr. W did yell at me (what's new). That seems to be all he does these days. Why do I always get caught when the real culprit does not? O well. Life moves on. It's too short to worry about his yelling fits and name calling.

Just remember for those of you in the "incident", in the words of Corey, "I've not said a word. Nobody here can testify that I've said a word!"

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I really can't think of a name for this post

Yea, it's been a while. It's been a very, very busy yet very, very sslllooowww week. Did anybody else notice that (besides Julia)? Anyway, it snowed (yay!) and we got to go to school late. We had another football game and won...again. So, it was a very normal week (if you can call my life normal). I did finish The CRUCIBLE! IT WAS AWESOME! And I die such a hero *tear slowly rolls down cheek*. Anyway, I can't wait to get started, although I have no idea what to expect. Finals are this week. We get to get out of school at QUARTER 'TILL ONE! Yes, I'm excited, it's a whole new prospect to me. So, I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow (unless of course, you are one of those random bloggers and happened to come across mine, then, I won't see you tomorrow, and if I did, I wouldn't know who you were anyway).

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

And one more thing...

Very very short version (you have got to hear it live. Ask Stephen or me and we'll grace with our wonderful voices and sound effects...that's right, you heard me. Sound effects)

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
seven drummers drumming,
six obnoxious trumpets,
fffiiivvee frilly flutes.
four french horns,
three euphoniums (trombones, take your pick)
two alto saxes *nice and poised*
and one great big tuuubaaa!!!

On the "Band"wagon

Yea, corny jokes! Anyway, I'm supposed to be doing Biology and my Spanish project, but why do that when I can do this? Not much happened today except for the fact that I totally caught Mrs. Baldridge off guard by trying out for one act play. I wonder how I's another one of those quizzes you can take a look at while I ponder that...hmmm...

How You Life Your Life
You seem to be straight forward, but you keep a lot inside.You're laid back and chill, but sometimes you care too much about what others think.Your friends tend to be a as quirky as you are - which is saying a lot!You tend to always dream of things within reach - and you usually get them.
How Do You Live Your Life?

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Celina Independent Schoo` District is committed ta ho-slappin' young thugz ta be a responsible n contribut'n memba of society at tha present n in tha future. We would like ta ask our students ta cooperate wit tha staff, parents, n community memba ta ensure tizzle they wizzill reach they academic n social potential. In return, we will furnish them wit a safe, bustin' n orderly environment. Through a variety of curricizzles n extracurrizzle experiences they wizzle learn and my money on my mind:

  • Self-confidizzle disciplizzle n motivizzle
  • Think'n n problem solv'n skills
  • Respect n knowledge fo` our country n system of government
  • Productive fiscal managizzle
  • Respect fo` otha n they property
  • Respect n awareness of our environment

Celina ISD is "An Equal Opportunity Employer" n complies wit tha Title IX n Title II. It is tha policy of Celina ISD not ta discriminate on tha basis of sizzay handicap, race, or national origin in its educizzles n vocatizzle programs, activities, or employment as required by Title IX, Section 504 n Title VI cuz I'm fresh out the pen. Celina ISD wizzay takes steps ta assure tizzle tha lack of English language skills W-to-tha-izzill not be a barria ta admission n participizzles in all education n vocatizzle programs.

Hizzle of The Bobcats
TASB Policy Manual
Ordinance fo` adopt'n a tax rate (2005-2006)

Translitation thanks to

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Rowdy Teens Beware: the Mosquito is Coming

Yes, this is a real headline
No, it is not about the insect
Yes, it is a machine
No, I'm not going to explain it (it's much too late)
Yes, you can ask me tomorrow and I'll tell you
Yes, it is my current event, so those of you in Coach Worrel's class, please do not use it
Yes, I made the all-region band, 4th chair Concert :)